21 Reasons To Quit Worrying

I shared these 21 reasons to stop worrying during our Victory Campmeeting and I thought you would enjoy seeing them listed out! 

 Quit worrying because....

 1. It is sinful and produces fear

 2. It is a disease that causes other diseases

 3. It is borrowing trouble that cannot be paid back

 4. It is brooding over what may not happen

 5. It is a burden borrowed from tomorrow and others should carry it

 6. It is weight that kills prematurely 

 7. It is mental and physical suicide 

 8. It is a grave digger that has no sympathy

 9. It is needless and wastes time and effort that should be spent on worthwhile things

 10. It is a robber of faith 

 11. It is a robber of peace

 12. It is a robber of trust in a never failing Heavenly Father

 13. It is a stumbling block for others

 14. It is a disgrace to God and should never be indulged by a true Christian

 15. Anxiety over what is nothing today and less tomorrow is the view of faith

 16. Anticipating troubles that seldom come to those who trust God    

 17. It is torment over something that will likely be a blessing when it comes

 18. It is living like an orphan without a Heavenly Father

 19. It is crime against God, Man, Nature, and better Judgment

 20. It is mental cruelty to yourself 

 21. It is foolish because whatever is going to happen cannot be stopped by worry, and if it doesn't happen there is nothing to worry about

For More on this article you can download our FREE Mp3 Don't Worry! PRAY!


Join Doctor Robin Harfouche at our Annual Women's Meeting: Rare But Not Impossible: Apostolic Women April 21-28 2013. 

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 If you want MORE you can watch the whole conference at http://globalrevival.tv/