Holy Spirit embraces and hovers over mankind while we sleep. He imparts and recalls dreams that beckon us to pursue Him with all of our hearts. Paul prays, in Ephesians 1:17–19, that believers may be enlightened in our understanding in order to have the riches of His glorious power manifested in our lives. Every believer must be led by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to comprehend the Father’s heart. God expands our knowledge, revelation and relationship with Him in our daily lives through experiencing His touch and activity. We adhere to His heavenly perspective so it has entrance into the world. He opens our blind eyes to see the way God sees things. God’s vision and higher ways enables us to see our destiny and the world events around us from His vantage point. God alone has the answers we are searching for.
Spiritual understanding or enlightenment is different than natural wisdom because it has always been within God. The presence of God comes through the Holy Spirit resting upon our five natural senses. He emboldens our natural vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell for us to know how the Spirit realm operates. Holy Spirit attracts us to Jesus at salvation. After salvation, the Lover of our soul comes in different measures as we commune with Him daily. God reveals Himself through increased measures of His Holy Spirit presence and power. Spiritual wisdom empowers us to know what the future holds. In contrast, spiritual knowledge enables us to replicate past experiences (both victorious accomplishments and heart breaking disappointments) through the eyes of God. Applying godly wisdom to past failures resets a new course that directs us to apprehend success and prosperity. True success only comes through the exercise of aggressive faith.
The Holy Spirit inspires our nights with hopeful dreams, colorful visions and visitations of many and varied kinds. God carries us through a spiritual preparation process in our dreams to ready us to see our potential for great adventures. We experience new opportunities in the night seasons so that we will be familiar with it in broad daylight. 1 John 3:2–3 states that as children of God, we will be able to see things that have not yet been made known, and as we see God in our dreams and visions, we will be like Him.
What we focus on or study we empower. What we empower becomes a part of our life. We are converted into what we sanction in our lives. To enact this practice into our lives we are admonished to magnify the Lord. When we magnify God we are drawn into the safety of His presence. When His Word is amplified in our hearing, it draws Him into our situations. When the angelic realm hears His anointed Word going forth from our mouths, they are released to perform His word on our behalf. It is God’s overshadowing presence, manifested through His anointed Word, which changes us from one level of understanding, glory and revelation to another.
We must be totally dependent upon the Holy Spirit for understanding, interpretation and application of the revelation that God has planted within us. All interpretations belong to the Holy Spirit. Our spirit resonates with the creative words God speaks. God is in Himself everything supreme. Nothing is above or beyond God. He graciously honored man above all the heavenly beings when He created us in His image. From that moment on, the dreams we have are daily recreated us into the image of God; thus we become that which He declares. We echo His voice and mirror the light of our Creator. When we are connected to Christ the brightness of God’s glory, we become what He has destined for us to be, from before the foundation of the earth. Man exists to give glory to God. The word of God consists in power that grants life. He created and sustains all living beings in heaven and earth. No unconscious life, conscious human life or self-sufficient angelic being exists separate from God.
The voice of God’s wisdom echo’s in dreams throughout creation, “Be at rest in your silence, wait on Me and know that I am God!” Those whose ears are constantly tuned to the present words of heaven’s clarion call receive redemptive revelation, astute intelligence; and they see clever inventions, inspired ideas and gain ingenious truths. Let me listen always to the sound of Your voice playing gently upon the strings of my heart. May the melodies of Your words be music that surrounds me to drown out the constant barrage of noisy that assaults my mind. Let my prayer be like that of the boy Samuel, “Speak Lord for your servant listens.” We must continue to look unto Jesus the creator and finisher of our faith.
Faith Makes Dreams Come True
God created the spiritual principle of conceiving revelation, beholding and then by faith conforming to what is seen. To reach the full potential of our God-given destiny the Lord must always be foremost in our eyes. Stay focused on the goal, plans and purposes He has set before us. We must see ourselves as God sees us.
Faith is a gift of God that comes by hearing the word of God. Faith is an indispensible necessity that makes it possible to please God by simply looking upon His countenance for life. The heart of faith looks to God, believing for Him to open up the recesses of impossibilities making everything promised or dreamed possible for the weakest when they are in God’s hands. Without faith the eyes of the heart are clouded with no spiritual vision or ability to approach God to find forgiveness, healing and eternal life. We must look upon the beautiful face of the Holy Spirit and believe in an invisible God. I sought the Lord for answers. He listened and heard my inward cry of desperation. I meditated upon His word to focus my gaze and it brought clarity. He communed with me and I beheld Him in the Spirit. He became my helper and comforter. I lifted my unveiled eyes unto God who dwells in heaven and He found His resting place in my heart. My eyes waited upon the Lord until His mercy came and met me in my place of need. He removed the scales from my eyes now I see His splendor. He delivered me from all my fears and now I am satisfied.
Those who look to the Lord will be accepted, and not put to shame. As we gaze upon Jesus we will be transformed and given the power to complete our destiny that which God has determined for us to accomplish in life. The all-seeing, watchful eyes of the Lord look down from heaven, they move to and fro throughout the whole earth searching for people who are faithful. When He finds the eyes of the faithful gazing back up at Him, He makes them strong. God physically demonstrates His powerful support of those whose hearts are completely committed. He tunes our hearts so they beat in one accord with heavens syncopated rhythm. God is our dwelling place when we are attuned to Holy Spirit. Higher understanding surrounds us when our eyes are fixed upon God.
God’s loving nature, His creative words, and His spiritual, symbolic language enables us to interpret dreams according to His desires, not according to what man says or what we believe about ourselves. The heart must learn to interpret a heavenly language as the Spirit instructs us. God has a divine dream plan for us to fulfill. Dreams make it possible for us to reach our destiny. Just like our individual DNA has a unique signature, God’s heavenly plans, strategies, and blueprints were individually written on the tablets of our heart before time began. It is the Holy Spirit who gives value to us and without the Spirit nothing has lasting value. God places a desire within the heart to know Him.
God’s holy light ignited His love within those who worship Him in Spirit and truth. The Spirit of truth, compassion and revelation reveals God to us. The more we understand His ways of communication and His nature, the more we fall in love with Him. The more we love God, the more we can love ourselves and others.
God brings His grand purposes and destiny to our lives through the plans He has for us to succeed. He imparts the power of His spiritual realm, so as ambassadors, we can transfer the spiritual realm to this natural realm. Dreams are one way that God chooses to communicate what He sees in us.
Dreams are a symbolic picture language. Because pictures are easily imprinted on our soul we can recall images. God speaks in a mysterious language of signs, symbols, puns and riddles through dreams.
God lovingly speaks to who we are presently and reveals what we can become, rather than emphasizing negatives. For example, God does not cause our sickness and disease; He brings healing and deliverance. God has an infinite ability to restore our health. God does not bring poverty or lack; He promotes wealth, prosperity and abundance. God is the God of more than enough. God does not articulate our failures or mistakes; He announces a plan for our success. God does not exploit the past; He speaks to the now and to a hopeful future. God speaks the language of love and hope to encourage our great success. God’s love is without measure it is boundless because it is the essence of His nature.
No one likes to be kept in the dark, guessing. That is why God brings us into the brightness of His eternal light. God announces the wonderful plans He has for our future. He published His plans for man in the Bible. They were also written on the tablets of our hearts before time began.
When we capture a picture of light and God’s merciful goodness for our lives in the midst of the dark place of our existence, we have ‘vision.’ Vision produces hope. Hope enables us to embrace change. Change releases destiny. Destiny drives us out of the now and propels us into a bright future. Once we catch a glimpse of who we are in the future, the doors are opened for us to bring the future into the reality of today. God is able to accelerate wellbeing in our lives through dreams and visions. The more we can see and believe, the more we can become. We must see it, say it, pray it and believe it, to be it!
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