Dreams are formed in a person’s subconscious mind. They are based on the imagery and secret symbolic language that are exclusive and strategic to that person’s particular life and destiny. Dreams emulate that which was embossed on the soul - before time began - when we were still hidden in God’s loins. Before time began, each soul (as mere beings of light) was called before the council chambers of God, who is the Father of Light.

There each person agreed to the timing of their birth, gender and nationality. They discussed their tests, trials, triumphs, success and failures to be experienced in life. Once an agreement was made and life was chosen we were extracted from eternity and inserted into the restraint of time. The essence of our being was placed into our mother’s womb, and given a natural body. The waiting was over. We stepped out of a limitless eternity into the constraints of time, confined to journey through life in a three dimensional state. Our past, present and future have already been experienced in God, yet they are still becoming reality every day of our lives. The mind’s eye is always penetrating the barriers of understanding to learn who we were and into whom we are destined to be renewed.

The mind’s eye is the human ability for visual discernment, imagination, visualization, and memory. There is no new revelation under the sun. What is now; has always been, and will always be in God. Our dreams enable us to tap into the grand plan of God for our individual lives. Revelation and dreams arise out of our soul when our spirit connects to, is renewed by, tuned and submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit. When creativity comes, it feels as if it is anew, fresh idea, but it has always been within us percolating, waiting for the fullness of time to emerge. In other words, the mind’s eye is one’s ability to see and create things with the powers of thought. The mind’s eye is able to glance back into the past before time existed, behold the now or gaze into the dimensions of the future.

Dreams enable us to see the plans and purposes God had for us before we entered into this earthly realm of existence. All of our days were numbered and ordered before we were born. Part of our spiritual journey is learning how to enter into the divine scripts of success that have already been written for each of us.

Many dreams are symbolic mysteries that require God’s guidance to uncover their hidden meanings. God intends that we know His ways. God desires us to recognize the way He moves and become familiar with Him, through prayer and the process of discovering the veiled meaning of our dreams. These mysterious scripts are encoded with symbolism. The reverential fear of the Lord leads us to apprehend the Spirit of Truth, Wisdom, Counsel, Revelation Knowledge, Might and Understanding which are necessary to accurately direct us in the practice of gaining access or comprehending the meanings of our godly imaginations and visionary symbols.

Dreams bring the revelation of who we are to become in Christ once our spirit is born again, enlightened or awakened by the Holy Spirit. This revelation enables us to work together as a unit, while keeping our individuality at the same time. We each have a component and diverse function that is displayed through the corporate body in the progression of life.

If we are open to God, He can access our image center through the medium of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will grant us dreams in the night or streams of contemplation during the day to bring revelation and direct guidance to our lives. These spiritual streams overflow us with foresight, open our eyes to see and renew our minds by washing away harmful thought patterns that limit our intellectual processes. Dreams awaken our mind’s vision to the unlimited possibilities that await us. Nothing is impossible when we attach our self to the power of God’s love. We are created in God’s image. Therefore, we possess the same power to create with our visual images and words. The dreams we envision grant us agreement with the creative realm to eradicate any obstacle that would constrain us to mediocrity.

The world of dream revelation enables us to peer into the otherwise hidden spiritual past, present or future dimensions. The spiritual depths we are able to see depends on our own belief system, knowledge, faith level and confidence in God’s ability to reveal Himself in our current life environment and circumstances. Dreams come to give us peace beyond our ability to understand. They communicate obscure truths and the ambiguous information that our conscious minds overlooked or could not identify during our waking hours. Once we are able to synchronize our subconscious with our conscious limitations, barriers are removed and our potential is realized.

A dream comes to release revelation (whether natural or spiritual) when our body is at rest. Sometimes the only way God can communicate within us is when our soul is settled enough for Him to speak peace deep into our spirit man.

A dream is like a photograph of something we are able to relate to in movie form. Ecclesiastes 5:3 tells us that a dream comes when there are many concerns, activities or business. Dreams can either be a subconscious response to the circumstances of our lives or the Holy Spirit communicating His plans, ways and purposes to us. Dreams enable us to tap into the superior ways of the Divine Spirit. Precognitive or visionary dreams often reveal the obscure future, making it profoundly clear. Predictive dreams are filled with revelation that causes the dreamer to make the correct decisions to align themselves for a successful future. Our dream life is like a thoroughfare on which communication is carried through the soul to the visualization of the mind’s eye to the spirit.