Author: Jean Wright
Getting Rid of the Dead Dogs
As I read about King David blessing Mephibosheth because of a covenant he had with Jonathan (Mephibosheth’s father), I am reminded that God wants to bless us for the sake of Jesus & how He (Jesus) took on sin when He had no sin in Him. Now, we have an inheritance from God through Jesus’ sacrifice & perfection. We need to receive the gifts from God even though we have not earned them & we don’t deserve them. As we accept those gifts, we live in God’s awesome grace (unmerited favor) which is FREE! If we can grab hold of the truth that we possess His authority, our lives will never be the same.
So often, we tell ourselves that “someone else” is more important, “someone else” needs prayer more than we do, we have faith that “someone else” will be healed. Sound familiar? Mephibosheth looked at himself as worthless. In 2 Samuel 9, he refers to himself as a “dead dog”. It shows his poor self-image. No confidence. Not worthy. Not to be blessed. Let us step into that new confidence through Him! That because of His grace (unmerited favor), we are worthy! Because of His grace, we walk in authority & power & dominion! God looks to bless us for the sake of Jesus. Establish that truth into our spirits today, Lord!
The story of King David & Mephibosheth shows that Mephibosheth wasn’t where he was supposed to be. Because of his view of himself, it kept him out of the palace! A place where he could be warm, fed, cared for, have servants attend to him…..was it his pride that kept him in Lo-debar & out of the palace? I think not. I think it was his negative inside chatter that kept him from stepping into his inheritance (his destiny). How important it is to take our thoughts captive BEFORE they take us to places that are not pleasing to God! In 2 Corinthians 10:5 it says, “We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” By not silencing our negative inside chatter, it opens the door (and sometimes just a window) to the enemy to come in & cause confusion & fear in us.
Today, may you walk in the confidence of the Almighty Creator, the One who knows you & loves you & wants to bless you!
Jean has been the Administrative Assistant at Gateway Church in Ashtabula, Ohio for the past two years. Last year she participated in XP Missions, Operation Justice Cambodia, and had a life changing experience in Poipet, Cambodia. She is preparing with a team to return to Cambodia as part of XP Missions, Operation Justice Cambodia. God has turned her heart toward hurting women and children. Jean’s involved locally in a ministry that reaches out to abused women to help them find their identity through Christ, as well as the Jail Ministry.
Jean also serves on The Wave Leadership team at Gateway Church. Jean and her husband, Brian, have been married for 32 years.
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