From the Desk of James W. Goll
I first met Bob Jones during Mike Bickle's infamous Joel's Army 21 Fast in May of 1983 in Kansas City, Missouri. I had already prayed for ten years for the School of the Prophets to come forth. Little did I know the collision course I was aligning myself with that day. Mercy! Michal Ann's and my life was suddenly redirected with that singular initial meeting with this unusual man who seemed to live in the heavenlies.
Ann was pregnant with our first son Justin. Bob placed his hands on her that day and pronounced a father's blessing on one that he would later call his grandson - after all he carried his Grandpa's DNA! Strange beginnings indeed. An amazing roller coaster ride journey began as I was then honored to sit at Bob's right hand side in the formative years of what became known globally as The Kansas City Prophets. Historic! Ground breaking! And, yes, costly!
Today, Bob is seated in the heavenly places and I can only imagine the scenes he views from this higher dimension. I wonder if he has interviewed the four living creatures yet? I wonder if he and my Annie have embraced. This dear man possibly touched more leaders with the prophetic seer anointing than any other person in recent church history.
I have had a variety of mentors in my life for different areas of ministry in my 61 years. But by far, the man of God that impacted my revelatory journey the most was Seer Prophet Bob Jones.
Today, I pause to thank the Lord for the life and ministry of Papa Bob Jones. I give honor to whom honor is due. You wrecked my life, Bob, and I have never successfully recovered. Thanks a lot! You finished well dear friend. You learned to love! May we who are left to carry on learn to receive and release that same contagious love of God.
With Gratitude from a Son in the Faith,
James W. Goll
The Coming Promise
Vision of the Apple Tree
By Bob Jones -
January 2014
While in a time of praise, Bob saw an apple tree in full bloom. As he prayed for understanding the Lord revealed to him that many people have been in the bud. They have been waiting on promises that go back many, many years. Now the Lord is saying that before the apple tree blooms this spring, their buds shall bloom. Although some of them are ancient promises they will bloom in the spring before the apple tree does and they will begin producing the fruit of righteousness.
Peacemakers Bloom
In the fruit of the spirit prophecy, the apple represents peace. Therefore, this means that a lot of peacemakers shall bloom or come into their divine calling by this spring and they will bring forth the fruit that God has called them to bear. So get ready for the peacemakers to come forth with the fruit of God and reveal the Son of Peace to the world.
The peacemakers that are coming forth in this next season are those who can make peace between the human soul and the Father. As they reveal the Father's love to the human soul, it will bring stability to the body in every way. Through the administration of these peacemakers, first and foremost, they will bring man's soul into the place where it can enter into the peace of God. And this peace is beyond all human understanding. They will also enter into the love of God, which will create the fruit that He wants produced in the body now. This is literally the beginning of the fruit that's needed for harvest.
Phil. 4:7 - And God's peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Prophet Bob Jones
1930 - 2014
James with Bob and Bonnie Jones
Bob and Bonnie Jones
James Goll and Bob Jones
Bob Jones
Click to Play: An Interview with Bob Jones - By James W. Goll
James W. Goll and Bob Jones have walked together in the Lord since the early 1980's. In this amazing interview, captured at the Secrets of the Fathers Conference in Nashville in 2009, James draws on their joint history in the Lord as vintage gems of revelation are called forth. Forward this on to others! It is priceless!
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