

How do you describe addiction?  It is a horrible raging fire that demands more and more and still more until it consumes you…..body, soul and spirit.

My nightmare of nightmares began with the news that Ginger, my beautiful 19 year old daughter who was vibrant, funny and full of potential was down on “Flood Street”, the worst area of Wichita Falls, Texas, buying crack cocaine. 

Wasn’t it just over a year ago she had graduated at the top of her class with many awards and scholarships, which she took full advantage of and got her nursing license.  She had just began her nursing career and she had such a bright future ahead of her!  I was in so much shock that I could barely function for weeks…….then months.

I watched her for almost 15 years go in and out of rehabs, then jails and prisons.  I watched as the enemy of our souls ravaged her.  It was like having a baby behind a closed and locked door….screaming for help for a long time and not being able to get to her or do anything to help.  It was only the grace and supernatural peace of God that kept me sane.

Finally, after many years of trying to rescue her in my own strength, I surrendered totally.  I cried out to God in prayer and I said , “God!  How long is this going to go on!?!  I thank you so much for keeping her alive and not allowing her to die in her sin, but how long God?

The Lord answered me.  He said, “You are in the cycle of destruction with her.  When she is doing good, you are doing good, and when she is doing bad, then you are doing bad.”  He said, “Step out of the circle of destruction and prophesy over her until you see the salvation of the Lord.  Do not look at her life, but turn your eyes to me!  I am your Deliverer!  So I began my journey of speaking God’s Word over my daughter. 

Around, this same time I found Patricia King’s Ministry on the internet and I was greatly encouraged.  I went to a conference where she was speaking in Dallas, and I was so greatly encouraged I could feel my spirit man being fortified.  I began to feel that with the Lord on my side I could take down a Goliath! 

I went to her resource table and I saw the “Decree” book and the Lord said “Buy that!”  It was like a mighty sword glistening with light and power.  I took the sword home and I began to use this book every day for two years to speak over my daughter’s life.  This was in the year 2006.  Then in 2008 Patricia’s Ministry sent me an email that asked if I knew anyone who needs a new start in life and they described a home called Restor8ion House and my spirit leapt within me!  I said “Do I?!!!”

Then Ginger called soon after I read about Restor8ion House.  She had suffered another relapse and she was living in a crack house.  I asked her if she would be willing to go to a long term Restoration Program and she said “Yes!”  She was finally ready and so tired of the cycle of failure she had been in for so long.

She was accepted and moved to Arizona in March of 2009 to enter Restor8ion House.  She graduated from the program 9 months later and the transformation was so profound you could literally see it in her face!  The Glory of God was all over her!

She then stayed on with their Ministry as full time staff and God also graced her to write a book called “Walk it Out” and now it is going into the very jail she had served time in over and over again as well as many other prisons.  One of the guards was given her book, and she knew Ginger from before when she was in and out of jail and she saw the after picture and she wept and wept and asked the Chaplain to tell Ginger how much it had touched her.  She was just one of the Christians the Lord had put in Ginger’s life along the way. 

She now has almost 6 years clean and over 2,000 of these books in different jails and prisons!  The Chaplain of Denton County Jail contacts Ginger frequently to tell her they need more books and he always has a stack of request forms from inmates asking for it.  We have heard many great testimonies and letters from prisoners come in each week!

This is the girl that everyone gave up on.  The girl that everyone thought would never make it out alive…..but I knew better.  I know we should never give up on anybody as long as they still have breath in their body.  Their lives are precious in God’s sight and He wants us to reach out to all these precious souls that are in bondage and show them how to walk into freedom.  It is our responsibility as Christians to do all we can.

Isaiah 58:6 says , “Is not this the fast I have chosen?   to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens and to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke?”

I know it is my call to help as many as it is possible and with God, All things are possible!


Written by:  Beverly Froman

Feel free to contact Beverly at [email protected]