Posted 6 years ago
Author: Mark Virkler
Author: Mark Virkler
When something crops up healthwise in my life, and I want to find the most recent, trustworthy, natural and spiritual advice available which could help resolve the issue, where do I go? I don’t just want to Google the condition I have, as that will pull up all sorts of websites, some of which are untrustworthy and some of which are not offering natural solutions. What do I do?
I do my research on these trusted websites
- GreenMedInfo website - Use the search bar
- Josh Axe's website- Use the search bar
- Life Extension website- Use the search bar, and you can use the buttons on the left to further refine your search for either products or articles.
- Dr. Mercola's website- Use the search bar
- Communion With God Ministries website– Use the search bar. Also check out a list of 50 ways to pray, and 100 blogs on health.
How I use the search bars on each of these websites
- I do searches on any disease or condition: arthritis, cancer, joint pain, irritable bowel, skin, etc.
- I can also search phrases such as: refined foods, low fat foods, GMO foods, polyunsaturated fats, trans fats, sugar, artificial sweeteners, sugar substitutes, beets, turmeric, ginger, coconut oil, milk thistle, vitamin B, vitamin D, synthetic vitamins, whole food vitamins, liver, heart, bladder, circulation, vaccination, soda, flu shot, coconut oil, microwave, etc.
- On the GreenMedInfo site, only ten items appear per list, so on the bottom of page 1, click on 2, etc. to see more articles.
A multiplicity of counselors
To gain the knowledge and resources I need to make wise health decisions and experience vibrant health, I utilize the above websites plus Kurt Green, a prophetic naturopath, two-way journaling, dreams, the 50+ ways to pray and MRT.
Take personal responsibility for it is your body and your health and the health of your family that is in the balance.
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