Author: Mark Virkler
I have always believed I was right, no matter what position I held. And I notice other people hold the same opinion of themselves. They believe they are right, even when they disagree with me. Hm!
So is this good, necessary, and right to live out what you believe to be right, even though you acknowledge that you have only limited insight and are likely to change your mind as you go along?
Living with our hearts NOT condemning us is a MUST!
If your heart does not condemn you then you have confidence before God (1 Jn. 3:21). Well, we all desire and need to walk in confidence before God, allowing the peace of God to rule in our hearts. So we have to live according to what we understand to be right, pure, and holy. If we violate our hearts we will have no peace or rest, and physical, emotional, and spiritual disturbance will plague us so we do not sleep at night, as we find ourselves in a self-destructive mode.
Meekness is ALSO a MUST!
Pride comes before a fall (Prov. 8:13; 11:2; 16:18). Blessed are the meek (Matt. 5:5:KJV), for now, we see through a glass dimly but then face to face (1 Cor. 13:12). The path of the righteous grows brighter and brighter until the dawning of the full day of Christ in our hearts (2 Pet. 1:19).
Meekness allows me to grow, change, and become more perfect
So I embrace both 1) confidence that today I am as right as I know to be and 2) tomorrow I will see more clearly, and because of that may change my mind, and that is fine.
Confidence yet humility.
P.S. I have had a sign on my desk for many years: "Don't bother to agree with me, I've already changed my mind!"
- Lord, am I walking before You in confidence that I am living in full integrity to Your revealed truth in my life, and yet, humbly realizing that I see through a glass darkly, and so You will be revealing new insights to me on an ongoing basis?
- How would You have me honor others who disagree with me, and yet point them lovingly and gently toward the light You have revealed to me?
- Are there any blockages that keep me from being open to new insights You wish to show me?
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