We must go back into the past to be released into the future. Most of you know of or have...
The Release of GREAT Finances, Discerning Times & Seasons
In July I had a vision of sitting at a desk and then suddenly out of nowhere it was full of...
The Spiritual Battleground: Our Minds and Hearts
Create Memorials Commemorating God’s Victory
Part 7 - For Heavens Sake Celebrate!
The premise of this article is to explain the depths to which the Lord uses dreams to affect our...
From the book: Seed Truths-From Genesis to Revelation
Angels are God’s idea and I’m grateful He created them.
how Christians are to live when the “world economic and political systems” fall apart,God is...
Peter Foster believes the message of shame is that we are innately flawed and have no real value...
The world wide web is possibly one of the greatest advances for the church and ministry in our...
The rapid spread of Christianity is forcing an official rethink on religion
Flagging Is a Way to Deepen Your Worship Experience by Adding Bodily Movement
Share spirituality easily
5-fold team leadership
Ant Attack – A Dream Interpreted
Two health seminars for free
Cancer FREE! – By Margaret Cornell
What will the church of the last days look like, before Jesus comes back? What can we expect?...
Desire the Fire
Free Access to Brand New Video Series + Hidden Gems Discount
Ambassador of Peace - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda Badger
Emotions cause chemicals to be released in your body, laughter releases endomorphs that speed up...
“If we are forced, at every hour, to watch or listen to horrible events, this constant stream of...
God's call, gone out, a company of righteous believers, filled with light, invade every...