A New Resolve For America
There is a crack in the moral foundation of America. It has nothing to do with the Government...
Going to the Other Side
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Marcy Saggio shares about having vision, faith, and focus to reach...
3 Tools to Make You Mighty
pastor Marcy Saggio shares God has given you 3 tools to make you Mighty like David and his men.
Two Days in the Life of Jesus
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding walks us through two days of Jesus' life. He...
Pr. Missy on 'Spiritual Help To Advance The Kingdom of God'
In this first message of a new series on angels, Pastor Missy talks about the supernatural...
Why It's So Important To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit?
Pastor Missy teaches us in Luke 11:14-26 the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit and...
The Mystery part 9
Pastor Mike Harding continues to unravel the Mystery at Love Gospel Church. He teaches on...
Practicing Faith Like Children
Pastor Mike Harding teaches at Love Gospel Church on how to practice faith like a child....
Top 4 Things Jesus Taught His Disciples- #4 Faith (part 3)
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues to teach on faith in a study of Hebrews 11....
Spiritual Authority According to King David part1
King David had revelation of the coming Messiah and stepped into the authority that is available...
Proverbs College for Kings, part4
A continuation of a teaching on the themes and wisdom of Proverbs that train us on how to live...
Equipping the Saints-The Tabernacle as a Model for Prayer
Pastor Mike Harding teaches on The tabernacle of Moses as a prayer model. He shares on the...
Embracing the Culture of Honor
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding discusses how to embrace and walk in honor in our...