Greater Awakening Part 2
When a nation is founded and follows the ways of God, it is blessed. It prospers. But what...
Culture of Empowerment
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding discusses how Jesus empowered his disciples and the...
Culture of Empowerment pt2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues to discuss the culture of empowerment. In a...
The Tabernacle of Moses: Your New Life in Christ
The tabernacle of Moses is a prophetic picture of the new life you will experience in Christ....
The Tabernacle: The Altar of Incense
The altar of incense represents prayer and worship through day and night.
Taming the Wild Horses
The provision that God has made for us to tame the wild horses of lust and rebellion in the mind.
Sacred Mysteries
David teaches on the many divine mysteries that are found in the Bible, particularly the...
Joy-The Nature of God
Pastor Mike Harding teaches at Love Gospel Church about the nature of God being joy. In this...
Benefits to Intimacy - Pt 1
Sandy outlines the many benefits of experiencing intimacy with God the Father.
Causes of Homosexuality
Francis describes the causes for homosexual confusion and the health issues that most ignore...
Never, Never, Give Up
James Goll shares the miraculous last word he received from his wife, Michal Ann.
Ecstatic Prophecy
Stacey is one of the most powerful prophets of God in the church today, yet there was a time...
Champions Live Differently
Dr. Clarice FLuitt explains why we must be prepared to be replaced. You are a champion and you...
When Your Life-Plan Comes Together Part 3
Dr. Mark Chironna describes that NOW, more than ever, "making YOU happen" is going to...
Culture of Empowerment pt4
This week, Pastor Mike continues to talk about the culture of Heaven, and what the bible says...