
Testimonies and investigative reports on subjects such as sex trafficking, child prostitution, pornography addiction, homosexuality, transgender and child abuse. Inspiring and equipping people with the knowledge that God loves them and wants to set them f

Healing Father Wounds

Incredible teaching on the cause and the healing of father-wounds and other aspects of the...

Homosexuality in the Family

The death of her husband from AIDS, the death of her son in a car wreck & her famous...

At-Risk Kids in Hollywood Pt 2

More stories of God's grace, love and power on the mean streets of Hollywood & the work...

At-Risk Kids in Hollywood Pt 1

Leaders of a ministry in Hollywood talk about rescuing runaway and homeless kids and teens in...

Matriarchal Sex Abuse

One man's sexual abuse by his mother and resultant homosexual confusion and how Jesus...

Out of Lesbianism

A powerful story of living a double life while growing up lesbian in the black church, finally...

Porn & Sex Addiction

Former porn actor and sex addict tells his story and discusses the ways that God brings healing...

Married with AIDS

A married man who contracted AIDS early in the pandemic and who has survived with the help of...

Ministering to AIDS Victims

One of the first pastors to open his church to people with AIDS, who now ministers worldwide.

Sex & the Brain

Dr. Henslin discusses how damage to the brain through trauma or diet can lead to impulse...

Bonding & Sex Addiction

A discussion of how a failure to bond with key people is directly related to sexual addiction...

God's Amazing Grace

An examination of God's grace and how it differs from the performance-orientation that most...


A teaching on the issue of infertility with illustrations of how God has brought healing to...

The M Word

A thorough examination of the issue of masturbation, biblically and practically.

Sexual Abuse

Fiona talks about how freedom can be found from the trauma of sexual abuse.

Fallen Heroes

In this workshop, Peter describes the processes by which Christian leaders fall into sexual sin,...

The Curse of Porn

In this conference workshop, David describes the trap laid by the evil one by pornography and...


Male Victim of Sex Abuse Pt 1

A story of male childhood sexual abuse and how God has turned that brokenness into a ministry to...