
Russian-How to Help Sex Trafficking Victims

Director of "Free for Life" - Colette Bercu - describes how she got involved in...

Life Coaching Tips

Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares tips on the importance on life coaching. What it is and why everyone...

Find Your Divine Purpose

Patricia King's webinar on purpose and direction for life

Spiritual Gates

As Christ Ambassadors, you can stand in the earth and make intercession for the world that you...

How to Partner with Angels Promo

A-TEAM Promotion

Healing The Void - Session 1

Session 1 of Healing the Void live stream with Katie Souza.


Discouragement steals our confidence and joy. Learn what the Bible says on thoughts of...

What Do You See For The Church?

If we do what God said, and what He did, we'll have what He promised.

Belonging to Jesus

How much we want God really determines the direction of our lives. Completely giving ourselves...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 6

Dick speaks about the significance of Good Friday and Easter. Inspirational programming...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 28

Dick is teaching about the signs that Jesus said would happen in our generation. For more on...

How to Live Under An Open Heaven A-Team

John 10:10 Jesus said, "I came that you may have life and have it abundantly."...