The lifestyle of divine initiative
Overcoming the Fear of a Cancer Diagnosis – By Mike Bastien
Different practices
High Praises, His Presence & Roaring
The premise of this article is to explain the depths to which the Lord uses dreams to affect our...
The Power of Visionary Intercession
Water Baptism
Peter Foster believes the message of shame is that we are innately flawed and have no real value...
Globally there is a growing sense of disillusionment, going through the motions, religious...
5-fold team leadership
There is a great place of forming and fashioning, cultivating and nurturing, within Me, says the...
I had suffered with Bulimia for 30 years
Do you know why DIFFERENT Greek words are translated HEAL?
Stillness Is the Womb of My Word
What Angels Don’t Have
Prophetic Word Through Flavien - Calling My Reformers to Arise!
God’s wisdom to wash using running water - lost, rediscovered, resisted
"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to...
Cardiologist Explains How Nutrients Can Help Heart Palpitations
South African Pastor Embraces 4 Keys and Sees Miraculous Growth - by Dr. Don Paprocky
What Angels Are Doing Around the World Right Now
entertainment industry, the release of inspired media and strategies, invasion of Holy Spirit...
Kingdom Compassion, Kingdom Power, Kingdom Increase!
A Working Definition of Anointed
Each year on the Day of Atonement we set our self aside to receive revelation from the Lord for...
New Training Resources on Overflow of the Spirit
Eternity in Our Hearts