Eternity in Our Hearts
Dear Lord, I want to hear what you have to say about accusations in my life.
Hearing God’s Voice and Brain Science – Virkler & Lehman
two way journaling
“You don’t trust me. I am going to teach you how to trust me.” Hearing God say those words...
Be authentic. Be yourself and others will respond with equal authenticity. This is the secret...
We are now beginning to look in detail at the prophetic timetable that God is opening up to us,...
You don't have to be perfect. Perfection came, wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a...
The restoration wells and mantles, a new level of love has caused the \"healing...
Jesus is Building His Church on the Revelation that \"He is the Christ, the First Born Son...
Wisdom and Revelation
An Encouraging Message from Dr. Barbie Breathitt
Encouraging Message from Dr. Barbie Breathitt
There are no coincidences in God. Everything the Almighty does is intentional, calculated,...
Prophetic Teaching by Dr. Barbie Breathitt
On February 14th, 2014, Valentine's Day, heaven gave a shout as Bob Jones, prophetic Papa...
the Kingdom of God is very vast, yet it is within the heart of the believer. We are called to...
A failure thrives on giving excuses, failure is a victim of someone else’s schemes, i.e. single,...
This is the Year of DOUBLES. Expect your capacity to love to increase. Your spiritual and...
Encouraging Teaching from Barbie Breathitt and Breath of the Spirit Ministries